Revelation-Insight Publishing Co

Cologne Cadre Series
Church History Series
Catholic Classics
Cologne Cadre Series
Contemplative Series
Desert Fathers Maps
Desert Fathers Series
French Enlightenment Series
Great Christian Mystical Writings
Monastic Series
Pilgrim's Pantry
Medieval Series
Philosopher's Palate
Poetry Series
Research Essentials Series
The Jewish Studies Library
The Andrew Murray Library
The Spurgen Library
Thomas Aquinas Library
Women of Faith Series

The focus of this series is to provide today's reader with the essential Spiritual writings from those who were educators in and around Cologne, which are a part of our Christian heritage. The selected written works are a culmination of screening the best of this genre from the numerous documents, which are available. We selected these works based on a number of factors, from the likes of Eckhart, Albert Magnus, Luther,  Ruysbroeck, and many others who have the greatest impact upon the body of Christ, their insight of the genre and their related impact on other writers coupled with the feasibility of this text to be used as a guide, in a stand alone application. They are the primary indicators used, coupled with other factors in making our selection. 

The Second Volume to this Series is now available: "Three Freinds of God"


Click this to purchase any selection

New Volumes available in this series:

Select Works by  Albert the Great

Life, Treaties and Select Sermons by Meister Eckhart

The intial work is: 'Best of Luther'


This is "Best of Luther"
Contains the following works:

"Disputatio pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum." 

Treatise on Good Works 

 Letter of Martin Luther to pope Leo X 

Concerning Christian Liberty 

Rational, Method and Aim of This Modernization 

Theologia Germanica 

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Brown Book, Turning


Among living things, what has understanding is better than what lacks intelligence.”

Dunns Scotus    First Principle; 4:21