Revelation-Insight Publishing Co

Thomas Aquinas Library
Church History Series
Catholic Classics
Cologne Cadre Series
Contemplative Series
Desert Fathers Maps
Desert Fathers Series
French Enlightenment Series
Great Christian Mystical Writings
Monastic Series
Pilgrim's Pantry
Medieval Series
Philosopher's Palate
Poetry Series
Research Essentials Series
The Jewish Studies Library
The Andrew Murray Library
The Spurgen Library
Thomas Aquinas Library
Women of Faith Series

We are proud to begin this monumental series.

To date, there is no other theologian before or after, who has impacted Christian Theology more than Thomas Aquinas. 

We will premier this segment with;
"The Summa Companion"
This remarkable series consists of three large volumes. It was written in the 1940's as a over-view, synthesis and relation/ application to this new millenia.
This remarkable work, like so many others has fallen by the wayside. It is fresh, insightful and an absolute primer/ companion to the Monolithic
 "Summa Theologica."
All Volumes completed and readily available.


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To complete the Aquinas Library series, we present, "The Golden Chain."  This work is the 4 Gospel Commentary by T. Aquinas. Here he returns to many of the church fathers and previous astounding commentators to clarify the Gospels of the New testament. All 4 Volumes now ready and available.

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Vol I    ISBN #9780982330166
Vol II   ISBN #9780984173143
Vol III  ISBN #9781936392094  
Vol IV  ISBN #9781936392155    
This Series Sgement now Complete!
Now available thru all outlets

We premier the second segment with:
"The Contra Gentiles"

The Summa contra Gentiles is a profoundly significant work in the history of philosophy. In many ways it acts as an encyclopedia of the learning of the day in that we can find our way into the mental life of the era in which it was written. Keep in mind that this work contains the lectures of a great Doctor at the most prestigious university in Europe in the middle of the thirteenth century. Aquinas divides the Summa contra Gentiles into four books. The first three books try to set out theological positions that can be established by philosophical reasoning alone. Book IV, an exposition of scripturally revealed doctrine, complements the first three books.


Vols. 1-4 Now completed and readily available.



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Brown Book, Turning


Among living things, what has understanding is better than what lacks intelligence.”

Dunns Scotus    First Principle; 4:21