Revelation-Insight Publishing Co

French Enlightenment Series
Church History Series
Catholic Classics
Cologne Cadre Series
Contemplative Series
Desert Fathers Maps
Desert Fathers Series
French Enlightenment Series
Great Christian Mystical Writings
Monastic Series
Pilgrim's Pantry
Medieval Series
Philosopher's Palate
Poetry Series
Research Essentials Series
The Jewish Studies Library
The Andrew Murray Library
The Spurgen Library
Thomas Aquinas Library
Women of Faith Series

The French Enlightenment Series

 Our Debut Book
Fenelon's Finest

ISBN 978-0-9841731-3-6


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Now available, 'The Collected Works of St. Bernard' in a four volume set.
These works have been selectd by Dom Mabillon.


The intent of this series is to focus and encompass the efforts both lost and forgotten along with those who are well known among the Christian library of books. Within the annuls of the French Enlightenment  are the likes of William of Champeaux, Peter Damian, Andrew, Archard, Hugh, Richard and Walter of St. Victor and Bernard, just to name some of the early writers. This is followed up by the likes of William of Thierry, Guigo II, leading on up to Fenelon, Guyon and Pascal.

This effort will bring back to the printed page some known and unknown classics by these and others of the French Enlightenment era. Their efforts combined with others from around Europe have been instrumental in forming our dogma, which we so richly cherish all these centuries later.

Within this series we will attempt to connect all the important writers and bridge the gaps in between major figures with those who have not only had a major impact then but also continue to resonate strongly among us today.

Our Second & Third Book :
"Devout Life" & "The Love of God"
by Francis La Sale


This is Part I & II of a singular treatise

Both Volumes are now available


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Now available, Vol. 4 of this series:
"Great Spiritual Works" by Jean Gerson


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Brown Book, Turning


Among living things, what has understanding is better than what lacks intelligence.”

Dunns Scotus    First Principle; 4:21