Revelation-Insight Publishing Co

Catholic Classics

Church History Series
Catholic Classics
Cologne Cadre Series
Contemplative Series
Desert Fathers Maps
Desert Fathers Series
French Enlightenment Series
Great Christian Mystical Writings
Monastic Series
Pilgrim's Pantry
Medieval Series
Philosopher's Palate
Poetry Series
Research Essentials Series
The Jewish Studies Library
The Andrew Murray Library
The Spurgen Library
Thomas Aquinas Library
Women of Faith Series

The focus of this series is to provide today's reader with the essential Catholic writings that are a part of our Christian heritage. The selected written works are a culmination of screening the best of this genre from the numerous documents, which are available. We selected these works based on a number of factors. The greatest impact upon the body of Christ, their insight of the genre and their related impact on other writers coupled with the feasibility of this text to be used as a guide, in a stand alone application. They are the primary indicators used, coupled with other factors in making our selection. 

Catholic Classics Volumes  1-4
Catholic Classics Vol 1
Explanation of St Augustine's Rule
Hugh of St Victor
Tanslated from Latin
Not in print for over 70 plus yrs.
ISBN # 978-0-9818202-3-1  
Ready for purchase


ISBN # 978-0-9818202-3-1

To Purchase a Copy Select Here


Catholic Classics Vol 5
Eternal Wisdom
Henri Seuse
Tanslated from German
ISBN # 978-1936392056  
Ready for purchase

To Purchase a Copy Select Here

All our works are available on "Kindle."

Catholic Classics Vol 4
Imitation of Christ


ISBN # 978-0-9818202-7-9

To Purchase a Copy Select Here


The Spiritual Life Books 1-3
by  C.J. Morozzo O. Cist
"The Fraternal Twin  of Imitation of Christ"
This work is the civilian's companion to "Imitation of Christ"
 by Thomas a' Kempis
Not previously available in print for over 100 years and translated from Latin
This is Vol 1, contains Book One, ISBN # 978-0-9818202-6-2
Vol #2 conatins Books 2&3 ISBN# 978-0-9818202-8-6  
Available Now

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$16. 95 per vol.

Catholic Classics Vol 6
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with Commentary
For the first time ever, as one work, and this commentary has been out of print for over 70 years. This is the second print ever in English.
Coming Spring 2012!


New editions coming in 2010'
Little Book of Wisdom by Henry Suso

Brown Book, Turning


Among living things, what has understanding is better than what lacks intelligence.”

Dunns Scotus    First Principle; 4:21